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Traffic Analysis for eth0

The statistics were last updated Sunday, 13 October 2024 at 16:10

`Daily' Graph (5 Minute Average)

Max Average Current
In 17.3 kB/s 9786.0 B/s 12.7 kB/s
Out 11.7 kB/s 386.0 B/s 483.0 B/s

`Weekly' Graph (30 Minute Average)

Max Average Current
In 297.2 kB/s 8062.0 B/s 13.5 kB/s
Out 1116.1 kB/s 6588.0 B/s 228.0 B/s

`Monthly' Graph (2 Hour Average)

Max Average Current
In 384.9 kB/s 6004.0 B/s 12.8 kB/s
Out 373.9 kB/s 8803.0 B/s 569.0 B/s

`Yearly' Graph (1 Day Average)

Max Average Current
In 98.0 kB/s 9395.0 B/s 9757.0 B/s
Out 624.3 kB/s 18.0 kB/s 493.0 B/s
GREEN ### Incoming Traffic in Bytes per Second
BLUE ### Outgoing Traffic in Bytes per Second